photograph by Michael Reiss
This past Wednesday, I accompanied Michael Reiss (www.mikereiss.com) on his photographic tour and shoot of the Carrie Furnace site. Mike, in his quest to document the region, had contacted us for permission to access to the site (which is the RIGHT way to do things). I had the pleasure to spend the day with him as he worked. Mike showed the utmost respect for the site and was very understanding of some of the limitations that it presents (trust me, the positives far outweigh the negatives) realizing that for his own safety, and for the long term safety and survival of the site, that there are certain areas that we cannot allow visitors to access. In addition to his website listed above, Mike has posted some of his images from the day on his Facebook site. Take a look, I think you will really like what you see:
On Friday, as we ready ourselves and the Carrie site for the upcoming tour season, Volunteer Rick (the ever industrious one) assisted ROS in tackling some of the on-going maintenance and safety issues. Railings are being added, stairwells shored up, and unsafe areas are being secured to ensure the safety of our visitors. The work will be continuing for duration of the season (and beyond), so keep an eye out for improvements and be sure to thank Rick when you see him!