Cleanup Time
Hey, cleanup time
Cleanup time
Well, well, well
However far we travel
Wherever we may roam
The center of the circle
Will always be our home
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, cleanup time
"Cleanup Time" (John Lennon)
Yesterday, on a wet and rainy Friday, Stacy, Tiffani, Marsha (our peerless and fearless volunteer), Bridgett (the invaluable intern), Derrick (marauding volunteer of WVU fame), and myself tackled the mass of litter down at the Pump House. It never ceases to amaze me how much garbage can accumulate in one place. The site was overrun with fast food wrappers, a sundry of other junk food wrappers, and a variety Waterfront associated debris and filth. Obviously we need to entice people to not only STOP LITTERING but also to learn to eat better food!
Then today, in preparation for our up coming tour season, (the first public Carrie Furnace tour kicks off on April 30th. For information and ticketing go to:, Tiffani and I were joined by some hardworking and energetic scouts from Munhall (lead by their troop leader, our very own Controller Deluxe, Doug), five alumni of Baldwin-Wallace College, and Rick (the ever industrious volunteer) at a cleanup of the Carrie Furnace site. We gathered up a ton of trash and debris (OK, not literally a ton, though it sure felt like it), and generally made the site safer and more presentable for our soon-to-be enraptured visitors. We did a really good job filling up my truck, and subsequently our dumpster with lots and lots of stuff.
To everyone who lent us a hand over the past few days, we say:
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
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