Saturday, August 3, 2013

False Flag: Embassy Closures Used To Divert Benghazi Coverup Bombshell? (Video)

By Susan Duclos Is the Obama administration using the new "security threats, closing embassies across the world with travel alert statements and emails, for no other purpose than to divert attention away from the recent CNN bombshell exposing a rather large CIA presence and operation in Benghazi, Libya on 9/11/12 when a terrorist attack killed four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya? That question leads to an even more concerning one: Was Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, all sacrificed to protect Obama's secret CIA weapons operation in Libya? The mainstream media has finally caught up with the alternative media and the rest of America in acknowledging that the events surrounding the Benghazi terrorist attack, are not only suspicious but possibly criminal. The responses from the Obama administration after the attack, special forces being told to stand down and not help the Benghazi personnel during the attack, the hiding of the survivors and witnesses from Congress who was investigating the security failures, the lies told directly to Congress in that investigation, etc...

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